Opening 12.10.2012

Curated by
Sarah Archer

In celebration of Picador's publication of Suzette Field's first book, 'A Curious Invitation - The 40 Greatest Parties in Literature', the gallery will be given over to an exhibition that illustrates some of the greatest parties ever known.

Which famous fictional festivity was hosted by Satan? Which imaginary party was to be found hovering above an alien planet? At which event were attendees invited to chop onions and cry together? Which mythological merry-making never ended? At which masquerade were all the guests slaughtered? Which Queen was unable to gain access to her own ball? And at which party did the guests use cough syrup as a mixer?

All these questions and more will be answered in Suzette's book - 'A Curious Invitation' is currently available on Amazon

A. Richard Allen
Cecil Beaton
Sin Bozkurt
Harry Brockway
Chris Brown
Darren Coffield
Annabel Elgar
Slawka Gorna
Carolyn Gowdy
Ed Gray
Gris Grimly
Marcelle Hanselaar
Lynn Hatzius
Alice Herrick
Aly Helyer

Susan Hiller
John Holder
Nick Jolly
Oleg Kantorovitch
Keeler & Tornero

Abigail Larson
John Lawrence
Clare Melinsky
A.M. Parkin
David Richardson
Kate Rolison
Paul Sakoilsky
Uwe Schramm
Chris Semtner
Theatre of Dolls
Eleanor Tomkins
EC Woodard
Florence Welby


Darren Coffield

Chris Semtner

A. Richard Allen

Clare Melinsky

Kate Rolison

EC Woodard

Alice Herrick

Eleanor Tomkins


John Holder

Slawka Gorna

Uwe Schramm

Abigail Larson

Paul Sakoilsky

David Richardson

Aly Helyer

Nick Jolly


Harry Brockway

Oleg Kantorovitch

Cecil Beaton

Annabel Elgar

Florence Welby

Lynn Hatzius

Theatre of Dolls

A.M. Parkin


Ed Gray

Susan Hiller

Chris Brown

Gris Grimly

Carolyn Gowdy

Marcelle Hanselaar

Sin Bozkurt

Chin Keeler & Emma Tornero